Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Yet more new Cakes

My last post (here) about miniature cakes seemed to go down very well as I have had many commissions for various birthday cakes in various colours since! I will be showing all kinds here on this blog as I make more in every colour and style you can dream up.

For now, here are two latest ones. A re-design on the classic Pink Birthday cake which I became so well known for 5 years ago. This customer asked for it to be as you see below (cut open, little drips in the frosting, pink and white striped candles). However, I don't think this is how I will start re-listing them at my online Hummingbird Miniatures Etsy shop. I think I will make the new ones with rainbow candles as before. But please note how much SMALLER and refined my candles are!

Don't forget that you can email me for a commission, you can find my shop here, you can request wholesale prices and you can follow what's going on over at Hummingbird by liking the Facebook page here!

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