Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Making Christmas... 2013!

I've recently started making some small Thanksgiving / Christmas 2013 Ranges, starting of course with some roast turkeys (last year I did roast goose as part of my Christmas 2012 range for a change).

I decided to upload some photos of these roast birds in-the-making because I am keen to ask everyone's opinion. Do you prefer partially carved roasts, or do they look better un-carved?

Please take a look at my quick snaps and tell me if you think I should carve all my birds or leave them un-carved? I'm selling these as collectors items of course (they're not for a larger commissioned project for a change) so that's why I ask your opinion! Leave a comment on this blog or on my Hummingbird Miniatures Facebook page. Thanks so much!


  1. Oh.....they are really fabulous! Easy....do both, some of each. Love them !!!

  2. Ooh, I love roast turkey for Christmas. I like to see the carved ones, I assume they will be on a platter with a carving knife?
    Both versions are fabulous.

  3. Hi Caroline! These are terrific although I personally prefer my birds un-carved. Preparing for Christmas, what a thought! Where has this year gone? Kind regards and happy making! Tee

  4. I love them both! I'd love to see a platter with the main bird, several carved slices and perhaps some stuffing in the side.... and maybe a few cranberries.... Yummy! :-)

  5. Oh my goodness, these are so cool! I like the uncarved birds best!

  6. Thanks everyone for your comments and suggestions - it's appreciated!! :) Caroline x

  7. Both versions are fabulous, but I like the carved best! Kind regards.

  8. They are truly scrumptious looking and I would have to say do a little of both but lean more towards the uncarved, so that those who are wanting them still inside their mini ovens, can enjoy them too!

