Monday, August 26, 2013


Logging onto my Etsy shop today I realised there are yet more changes to the site again and I have had that David Bowie song 'Changes' in my head ever since. ;)

So, not long ago Etsy allowed sellers the chance to create an 'About' page for their shops so that they could tell their shop's story and talk about how they make their products and so forth. I love this new tool and created an About Page for Hummingbird Miniatures which you may have seen here, (or see preview below).

Today I see that they have changed their 'Feedback' section and now instead of three grades of feedback (positive, neutral, negative) they have a 5 star rating. Okay, well I am not sure this change is a benefit, but I will wait and see if I get anything less than 5 stars (and be totally distressed if I do!) See how the Five Star Review section looks (image left).

Below is how my shop looks on Etsy today.

Whilst we're talking about Etsy, some of you may have noticed I have added very little to my shop since Independence Day... but I will have a small Limited Edition Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas range this year, so look out for that! I wont be making 10 of every item and usual - maybe just 1 or 2 of each as I have so little time these days.

Stay tuned... :)

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